Money Programs

Skill Up Tennessee

Skill Up Tennessee is UT Extension’s SNAP Employment and Training program. The purpose of the program is to assist eligible SNAP participants in gaining skills, training, work, or experience that will increase their ability to obtain regular employment with the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency.

Refer to the brochure attached below!

Skill Up Participant brochure

To see if you are eligible, scan the QR code on the screen! For any questions, reach out to Sydney Ladd at 423-346-3000!

On My Own

On My Own is a fun and engaging financial education simulation for junior and senior high youth. Students imagine that they are adults with the responsibility of being the major income provider for a household that may include a spouse and/or children. Using a hypothetical occupation and income, and family scenario participants work through a month of household purchases including housing, utilities, transportation, insurance, food, childcare, clothing, entertainment, and unexpected expenses.​​​ The curriculum is aligned with NEFE Standards for personal financial education, Jump$tart Coalition Standards and Tennessee State Board of Education Standards. If you would like this program, please contact Sydney at 423-346-3000 or at

A handful of money